Course of native drone jelly

Course of native drone jelly

Course of native drone jelly

    4 900 ₽

    An indispensable thing for men for a long, active and healthy life!

    The use of drone jelly (homogenate) in the prophylactic or therapeutic purposes allows not to think about tools such as Viagra.

    Drone jelly has a powerful health-improving and rejuvenating effect. It can be taken without exception. This is a very strong medicine, rich in vitamins and hormones (non-hormone-substitutes), effective in the treatment of endocrine and hormonal disorders.

    Product reference: 

    Product Description

    An indispensable thing for men for a long, active and healthy life!

    The use of drone jelly (homogenate) in the prophylactic or therapeutic purposes allows not to think about tools such as Viagra.

    Drone jelly  milk has a powerful health-improving and rejuvenating effect. It can be taken without exception. This is a very strong medicine, rich in vitamins and hormones (non-hormone-substitutes), effective in the treatment of endocrine and hormonal disorders.

    Our male bee homogenate available as a mixture with honey (1: 1). This is the latest formula of our product allows you to store it at higher temperatures, up to + 4-6 ° C, having improved palatability.

    Preventive course - 2 times a day for 1-3 g of separately from meals for 30-60 days. Total 250 grams. (Active substance)
    Standard course - 3 times a day for 2-3 g of separately from meals for 30-60 days. Total 2x250 gr. (Active substance)
    The product is supplied in frozen form, the principal amount you keep in the freezer, 1 jar for receiving - in a conventional refrigerator compartment. The course may be repeated after an interval of 20 days.


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